Community Forestry Days
Come join us on a Community Forestry Day!
Community Forestry Days are your chance to learn by doing a variety of projects in a sustainably managed woodland – it’s sort of like a “dude ranch” in the forest. Volunteers help with tree planting and pruning; reducing fire hazards and controlling invasive weeds; repairing trails and maintaining facilities – projects vary with the seasons.
Volunteer opportunities are open to all adults (individuals and organized groups) and adult-supervised youth. Forests Forever, Inc. encourages civic clubs, church groups, professional organizations and businesses, youth groups, families and individuals to volunteer at Hopkins Demonstration Forest.
Community Forestry Days are planned for the 2nd Saturday of each month
Please RSVP by the Thursday prior to each Community Forestry Day, whether you plan to join us for all or part of the day. The schedule for Community Forestry Days usually follows this pattern:
- 8:30 am: Team leaders assemble, volunteers arrive
- 9:00 am: Volunteer projects begin
- Noon: Lunch & topical presentation
- 1:00 pm: Volunteers return to projects
- 2:00 pm: Tour, 90-minutes
- 4:30 pm: Thank you. Have a safe drive home.
If the Community Forestry Day schedule does not fit your schedule, special arrangements can be made for group projects at other times and dates: call 503.632.2150.