Hopkins Hosts FNRL State Convention The Hopkins Demonstration Forest was host, again, for the statewide Forestry and Natural Resource Leaders (FNRL) annual convention held April 29-30. Thirteen high schools from around Oregon participated bringing more than 150...
Hopkins volunteers and students from the Sabin Schellenberg Center in North Clackamas are milling our own western red cedar logs into siding for the new Outreach Center that is replacing the now removed double wide manufactured house. Volunteers have milled over half...
Travel Oregon Awards Grant to Hopkins Demonstration Forest Forests Forever Inc received a grant of $53,405 last year to help improve the trail system at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest. The Oregon Tourism Commission, dba Travel Oregon has awarded over $2.4 million...
Photo Hopkins Demonstration Forest Summer 2021 This could be the oldest house in Oregon history, perhaps even predating the start of Lewis and Clark’s 1804 expedition. Soon the public will have a chance to discover and explore it at Hopkins Demonstration Forest,...
Photo taken Hopkins Demonstration Forest Summer 2020 History writer, Fred Leeson (buildingonhistory.blogspot.com) wrote this about the Molalla Log House in September 2020. Hopkins is the perfect location for this rare historic log building, where it will be a part of...