Stay Up to Date with Hopkins
New Garden Comes to Life!
The Clackamas Co. Master Gardeners recently undertook a project to revitalize the garden growing in front of Everett Hall. The original native plant garden had become over-grown and needed some tender loving care. Master gardeners Karen Day and Laura Eyer headed up...
Tree School Field Day Returns to Hopkins
Hopkins Demonstration Forest hosted the second annual Tree School Field Day on Saturday, October 7th. Organized by our partners at OSU Extension, the Tree School Field Day brings together small woodland owners and experts in the field for a day of learning. Over 130...
Neither Rain, Sleet or Snow Kept Crowd Away
A rainy and cold wintery day—including sleet, hail and snow—couldn’t stop those attending the Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center Open House and Dedication at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Beavercreek last Sunday. More than 75 braved the December-like...
Woodland Family Names Hopkins Outreach Center
The new Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Beavercreek was officially named after the Belton Family—prominent forest owners in Clackamas County—at a dedication ceremony Sunday, July 9. John Belton was a well-known...
Volunteers Heart and Soul of Forests Forever!
Our volunteers at Forests Forever and at Hopkins have always been one of the real keys to our success and ability to accomplish so much in the community. It all started with the Hopkins Demonstration Forest was donated to the non-profit, when we appointed the...
Outreach Center Grand Opening and Public Dedication—Everyone Invited!
Everyone is Invited! The new Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center will be dedicated during an open house event on Sunday, April 2 at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest. The open house is from 2:00 to 4:00pm with a public dedication for the Center at 3:00pm....
Community Forestry Days (CFDs) Going Strong – Come Join the Fun!
CFD's Going Strong! Community Forestry Days are off-and-running in 2023 at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Beavercreek. The CFDs have been scheduled EVERY SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH for the past 30 years. Everyone is invited to lend a hand. “We really...
Fundraising Continues for Outreach Center
Fundraising Continues! By mid-February, nearly $350,000 in private contributions and building materials had been donated to the new Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center being constructed at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Beavercreek, Oregon. The...
FFI Annual Report Published
FFI 2022 Annual Report The 2022 Annual Report for Forests Forever, Inc. has been published. Click here to view. Printed copies are available, too, by contacting Julie in the FFI office at 503-655-5524. “This year’s Report recaps our major activities and...
Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center Nearly Finished!
Construction is Almost Complete! Ground-breaking for the new Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center at the Hopkins Demonstration Forests began in January 2022. Now, just over one year later, the 2,400-square-foot multi-purpose building is being prepared for...